MSSQL – DBMail configuration

MSSQL – DBMail configuration
Today's post will contain tutorial how to step by step configure DB Mail feature in MSSQL database. To have it we need already created mail account and SQL management studio. First, login via SSMS with admin account to SLQ DB. In tree at the left choose Management, next Database Mail ,click PPM and choose"Configure Database Mail" In…

How to fix orphan users problem in SQL

How to fix orphan users problem in SQL
After MSSQL database restore you might to meet with situation that in DB will be orphan users. Simply, it is empty login name without any assignment with user. We can check it and then will see that there is 2 the same login names but with different SID numbers like on the picture below. To list all…

Import and export SQL data to Excel file

Import and export SQL data to Excel file
Today I will show you how to export and import data between SQL server and Excel file. I thing it will be usable for you. To make import please open SQL Server Management studio, connect to SQL server and right-click on our DB. Choose file to be imported. in my case import file looks likt that: Results…